This year… or was it last year? I can’t remember. I replaced the Hard drive in my Macbook Pro with a Solid State Drive. Like many others, I took the opportunity to use the old Hard Disk to replace my DVD drive (which I though I hardly used). Turns out, I use it more than I think, so I bought an external drive. It’s handy, but of course, nothing is that simple. Because I have no internal drive, I cannot play movies on the external drive through the build in DVD Player.
If this error looks familiar to you, you’re not alone: “There was an initialization error. A valid DVD drive could not be found. [-70012]”
Thankfully, there is a solution.
Step 1: For this to work, you will have to make some changes to the DVDPlayback framework on your Mac. You will need a Hex editor to do that, you can download 0xed for free here.
Step 2: Back up the file /System/Library/Frameworks/DVDPlayback.framework/Versions/A/DVDPlayback by copying it to your desktop, or somewhere else on your computer. This is just an added precaution.
Step 3: Open the file in 0xed.
Step 4: Hit Command + F (Find) or go to EDIT> FIND> FIND, and then type in “Internal” in the top FIND box, and type “External” in the bottom REPLACE box. leave “Ignore case” checked, and then hit REPLACE ALL.
Step 5: Go to File->Save As. Save the file to your desktop careful not to replace the backup copy. Now just drag that file back into the /System/Library/Frameworks/DVDPlayback.framework/Versions/A/ folder, overwriting the old file. (You may have to give your admin password to modify the file).
That’s it!
This worked for me and I hope it saves you some fussing around as well. Took me several months to find this information, so I’m hoping by putting it on my Blog I can help someone else find it more easily.
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