I love the Afloat Mac app, it’s a simple little app that does one thing well. Until the last couple of updates to Mac OSX that is. With the most recent update, it seems to not work at all, but that’s not the case if you know the right tweaks to make to your system.
There’s a decent tutorial here: https://github.com/rinckd/afloat
I’ve used it as a reference but found a few more steps were necessary and thought it could be explained a bit better for the novice Mac user.
How to fix the Afloat Mac App
Step 1 Download and install SIMBL 0.9.9
Step 2 Build rinckd’s project in Xcode (follow the first link in this post).
Step 3 After building In Xcode, right click on the Afloat.bundle and ‘Show in Finder’
Step 4 Drag and drop ‘Afloat’ and “Afloat Scripting’ in to /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins
Last step (This is the extra bit I had to do):
Restart your computer… during the reboot process, press and hold CMD+R to boot into recovery mode.
Once in recovery mode, select the terminal APP from the utilities menu.
In terminal run:
csrutil disable; reboot
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